Health Topics


QMG Stories

Rising Star Award: Natalie D.

Our fifth and final annu­al award recog­ni­tion is for the QMG Ris­ing Star Award and it was pre­sent­ed to Natal­ie D., Patient Access Coor­di­na­tor. Recip­i­ents of this dis­tin­guished award demon­strates out­stand­ing promise in their respec­tive field, exhibits lead­er­ship and integri­ty in serv­ing patients and the com­mu­ni­ty, cul­ti­vates col­lab­o­ra­tion amongst their team, and dis­plays curios­i­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and diver­si­ty of thought to cre­ate change and make an impact in field of healthcare.

Lifestyle & Wellness

Conditions & Diseases

Behavioral & Mental Health

Behavioral & Mental Health

The Magic of Empathy

To get past a dif­fi­cult emo­tion, you need to first iden­ti­fy and embrace that emo­tion. Once you know what you are feel­ing and why, you are able to move into a state of mind that allows for more effec­tive prob­lem solv­ing and deci­sion mak­ing. When some­one tells you to calm down, they are basi­cal­ly sug­gest­ing that you skip right past this step and move imme­di­ate­ly to the prob­lem solv­ing state of mind. That’s just not how we work. We need that in-between step of iden­ti­fy­ing the tough feel­ing and sit­ting with it for a minute before we can move for­ward. What’s miss­ing when some­one says calm down” is empa­thy.

Behavioral & Mental Health

Mental Health Meds: When to Take, When to Hold Off

Research shows that for emo­tion­al symp­toms, includ­ing depres­sion, anx­i­ety, and ADHD, a com­bi­na­tion of med­ica­tion and ther­a­py is often the best form of treat­ment. But when should you or your child try med­ica­tion? Are there oth­er things you should try first? How does any­one even make that deci­sion? Is there a pill for that? The fol­low­ing is a list of fac­tors to keep in mind as you nav­i­gate this poten­tial­ly over­whelm­ing decision.

Men's Health