
We believe eye care is about more than just see­ing clear­ly. Our com­pre­hen­sive eye exams go beyond deter­min­ing your pre­scrip­tion for glass­es or con­tacts. They play a vital role in safe­guard­ing your long-term eye health and over­all well-being.

Here’s why com­pre­hen­sive eye exams are essential:

  • Ear­ly Detec­tion of Eye Dis­ease: Many eye con­di­tions, like glau­co­ma or dia­bet­ic retinopa­thy, devel­op with­out notice­able symp­toms in the ear­ly stages. A com­pre­hen­sive exam allows our optometrists to iden­ti­fy these issues ear­ly, when treat­ment is most effec­tive in pre­vent­ing vision loss.
  • Over­all Health Insights: Your eyes offer a unique win­dow into your over­all health. Dur­ing an exam, we can detect signs of con­di­tions like dia­betes, high blood pres­sure, or even cer­tain types of cancer.
  • Main­tain­ing Opti­mal Vision: Reg­u­lar eye exams ensure your vision pre­scrip­tion stays up-to-date, allow­ing you to expe­ri­ence the world in sharp detail.



Treatment Styles

Related Specialties

Dry Eye

Foreign Bodies

Ocular Injuries

Primary Eye Care

Red Eye

Diabetic Eye Exams

Dry Eye Treatment

Eye Exams

LASIK Consults

Red Eye Treatment

Glasses & Contacts

Multifocal Contact Lenses