Heidi Haisley, OD

Eye & Vision Institute, Optometry

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages

I focus on med­ical eye care and how your sys­temic health can affect your eyes and vision. My goal is to edu­cate every patient regard­ing their com­plete ocu­lar health so they can make informed deci­sions on what the best treat­ment may be for them.

Board Certifications
Doctor of Optometry
Clinical Interests

I am specif­i­cal­ly inter­est­ed in how sys­temic con­di­tions affect ocu­lar health. I also spe­cial­ize in fit­ting mul­ti­fo­cal con­tact lenses.

Personal Interests

I spend a lot of time vol­un­teer­ing with the Quin­cy Com­mu­ni­ty The­atre and have been for­tu­nate to be a part of mul­ti­ple shows over the last few years. I love to trav­el any­where and every­where. I love new expe­ri­ences and cur­rent­ly joined an axe throw­ing league.

American Optometric Association Illinois Optometric Association

University of Northern Iowa Graduation Date: 2012 Degree: BA, Biology
Pacific University College of Optometry Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: OD, Doctorate of Optometry


Dry Eye Treatment, Foreign Body Removal, Refraction


Dry Eye, Ocular Infections, Ocular Injuries, Refractive Errors