Jeffrey Wells, DO

Family Practice, Primary Care

Practices In: Quincy
Patients Seen: All Ages
I joined Quin­cy Med­ical Group in 2001. For 15 years I prac­ticed in Palmyra, MO then relo­cat­ed my prac­tice to the Quin­cy office in 2016. I like to keep my patients hap­py and healthy. I want to help my patients under­stand their care and that I am a part­ner in their care. In addi­tion to gen­er­al prac­tice, I have a spe­cial inter­est in car­ing for and man­ag­ing the needs of dia­bet­ic patients. I see patients of all ages and care for nurs­ing home res­i­dents in Palmyra. 
Board Certifications
American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians
Clinical Interests
Dia­betes and pre­ven­ta­tive care.
Personal Interests
Hunt­ing, golf­ing, fish­ing, camp­ing, spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly, Church, and Boy Scout leader
American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Missouri Society of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Missouri State Medical Association American Osteopathic Association Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons

Truman State University Graduation Date: 1994 Degree: BS
A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 1988 Degree: DO
Medical Center of Independence, MO Family Practice


Minor Surgical Procedures in Office


Everything on a Non-Emergent Basis