Shwetal Patel, DPM


Practices In: Keokuk, Mt. Sterling, Quincy, Rushville
Patients Seen: All Ages

My goal in pro­vid­ing care is to lis­ten to you and under­stand your sit­u­a­tion and con­cerns. By being a good lis­ten­er, I feel I can tru­ly under­stand your needs and devise a plan to best approach the prob­lem. I believe we are part­ners in this jour­ney and we both best suc­ceed when we work togeth­er to address your med­ical needs.

Board Certifications
American Board of Lower Extremity Surgery, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
English, Hindi, Spanish, Gujarati
Clinical Interests

Although I enjoy all aspects of Podi­a­try and aim to solve issues with­out the need for surgery, I feel I shine and thrive when in the oper­at­ing room where I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use my skill set and wit­ness a direct improve­ment in the qual­i­ty of my patients’ lives. It is tru­ly satisfying.

Personal Interests

First and fore­most spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly. Trav­el­ing is a big source of enjoy­ment for me as well as learn­ing. I enjoy read­ing, music and vol­un­teer­ing. I strive to find a good work life balance.

Quincy Medical Group Surgery Center
3301 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 277-4090 Get Directions
Blessing Hospital
1005 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 223-1200 Get Directions
Blessing Surgery Center
1100 Spring Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 277-3505 Get Directions
Culbertson Memorial Hospital
238 South Congress Street Rushville, Illinois 62681 (217) 322-4321 Get Directions
Northwestern University Graduation Date: 1994 Degree: BA, Psychology
Rosalind Franklin University College of Podiatric Medicine Graduation Date: 2001 Degree: BS, Biology, DPM, Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
Saint Louis VA Hospital Podiatry Surgical Residency


Amputations, Biopsy Lesions, Bunionectomy, Cyst/Mass Excision, Foreign Body Removal, Hammer Toe Correction, Joint Surgeries/Fusion, Metatarsal Surgery, Nail Procedures, Tendon Surgeries, Wound Debridement


Achilles Tendon Injuries, Arthritis, Bunions, Diabetic Foot Infections, Fractures, Gait, General Foot Pain, Hammertoes, Joint Pain, Nail Conditions, Plantar Fasciitis, Skin Lesions, Soft Tissue Masses/Cysts, Warts, Wounds