Laura Garrett, APRN, FNP-C

Family Practice, Primary Care

Practices In: Mt. Sterling
Patients Seen: All Ages

I am a board cer­ti­fied fam­i­ly nurse prac­ti­tion­er, and I can care for patients of all ages, includ­ing your entire fam­i­ly. I enjoy get­ting to know my patients and their fam­i­lies and devel­op­ing last­ing rela­tion­ships. I like to focus on treat­ing the whole patient. I believe that pre­ven­tion ear­ly on through evi­­dence-based prac­tices results in healthy out­comes lat­er on.

I strive to pro­vide the best pos­si­ble care for my patients in a respect­ful, car­ing, and com­pas­sion­ate man­ner. I am a good lis­ten­er and want the patient to feel com­fort­able in dis­cussing any con­cerns he or she may have. I am friend­ly and easy to talk to. I have a good sense of humor. I want my patients to feel val­ued and feel at ease. I want to engage patients in their health, and I want patients to feel empow­ered in mak­ing deci­sions about their health. I believe in stay­ing up to date on the lat­est med­ical knowl­edge to give my patients the best pos­si­ble care. The best provider-patient rela­tion­ships are based on trust and respect. That belief is at the fore­front of how I inter­act with my patients. 

I tru­ly feel that every patient is respon­si­ble for their own choic­es regard­ing their health, and it is my job to give them the best pos­si­ble infor­ma­tion to make an informed deci­sion regard­ing their health. I also feel that pre­ven­tive health is extreme­ly impor­tant and am always will­ing to dis­cuss the best way for peo­ple to stay healthy. I believe in con­trol­ling chron­ic med­ical con­di­tions through edu­ca­tion and joint deci­sion mak­ing between the patient and the provider.

Board Certifications
Family Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Professional Certifications
CPR, Basic Life Support (BLS)
Clinical Interests

I enjoy pro­vid­ing acute and chron­ic care ser­vices to patients of all ages from new­borns to geri­atrics. I strive to pro­vide indi­vid­u­al­ized patient care and treat­ment plans for each patient as not every patient is the same. I have spe­cial inter­ests in wom­en’s health (includ­ing pap smears, fam­i­ly plan­ning, con­tra­cep­tive man­age­ment, menopause), obe­si­ty and weight loss coun­sel­ing and treat­ment, weight loss med­ica­tion, pre­ven­ta­tive health, hyper­ten­sion, hyper­lipi­demia, dia­betes, school phys­i­cals, sports phys­i­cals, work phys­i­cals, heart issues, ear, nose and throat con­di­tions, skin con­di­tions, and men­tal health con­di­tions. I offer pro­ce­dures such as inci­sion and drainage and shave biop­sies of lesions. I also do treat­ment of skin tags and warts.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and friends. I have four chil­dren (2 boys and twin girls) which keep me very busy. I enjoy trav­el­ing, cook­ing, bak­ing, shop­ping, and play­ing board or card games, St. Louis Car­di­nals baseball.

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

MacMurray College Graduation Date: 2006 Degree: BSN, Nursing with Minor in Psychology
Walden University Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: MSN-FNP, Family Nurse Practitioner


Biopsies/Lesion Removals, Ear Wax Removal, Foreign Body Removal, IUD Insertion/Removal, Incision & Drainage, Pap Smear, Skin Tag Removal, Wart Removal


All Family Practice Issues