Andrew Barfield, MD

Pediatrics, Primary Care

Practices In: Mt. Sterling
Patients Seen: All Ages

I’m a hus­band and a dad to 4 chil­dren. As a par­ent myself, I under­stand how stress­ful it can be when you think your child is sick or some­thing is wrong. I want you to know that I will do my best to treat your child like one of my own. I will include you in the treat­ment plan and togeth­er, we will fig­ure out how to best care for your child.

Board Certifications
American Board of Pediatrics
Clinical Interests

As a clin­ic pedi­a­tri­cian, we care for all prob­lems from birth until around age 22 years old. This includes every­thing from well child care to growth/​behavioral/​developmental issues, psy­chi­atric con­di­tions, acute and chron­ic med­ical prob­lems, com­plex genet­ic dis­or­ders, etc. I also enjoy spend­ing time in the hos­pi­tal tak­ing care of chil­dren who are admit­ted when they are sick and I enjoy spend­ing time work­ing in the nursery/​NICU car­ing for newborns.

Personal Interests

Out­side of med­i­cine, you can find me hang­ing out with my wife and 4 kids. We are involved in sev­er­al extra-cur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties, so we’re always out at the ball dia­mond or soc­cer field. We like to go fish­ing and spend time outdoors.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Blessing Hospital
1005 Broadway Street Quincy, Illinois 62301 (217) 223-1200 Get Directions
University of Illinois Graduation Date: 2009 Degree: BS, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2014 Degree: MD
Wright State University, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Children's Hospital Pediatrics


Abscess & Cyst Drainage, Casting/Splinting of Fractures, Circumcision, Laceration Repair, Wart Treatment


Acute/Urgent Care Medical Issues, Anxiety, Asthma, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, Food Allergies & Intolerances, Gastrointestinal Problems, Genetic Disorders, Growth and Development, Neurological Disorders, Newborn Care, Skin Conditions, Well Child Care