Child Psychology

Every child is unique, and some­times they need extra sup­port to reach their full poten­tial. If you’re seek­ing guid­ance to help your child’s devel­op­ment or behav­ior, you’re in the right place.

Our Pedi­atric Psy­chol­o­gy team builds trust with kids. We take the time to under­stand their world and how they feel. By cre­at­ing a warm and wel­com­ing space, we help chil­dren feel com­fort­able and con­fi­dent. This allows us to work togeth­er to find the best ways to over­come chal­lenges and sup­port their emo­tion­al and behav­ioral growth.

Whether you’re wor­ried about anx­i­ety, ADHD, autism, learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties, or oth­er con­cerns, our pedi­atric psy­chol­o­gist is here to help. Let’s work togeth­er to sup­port your child.

Learn more about our Pedi­atric Assess­ment Cen­ter >